14 Little Known Facts About Coffee

The easiest way to control a population is to poison it. Poisoning makes people weak and needy. Weak and needy people literally beg to be ruled. You can’t farm lions, only lambs. Narcotics work best at building addiction, providing escapism and destroying strength in the body. As an invading force, this is optimal. This is why every great nation that has spread across the earth used to have laws that made narcotics illegal. Inversely this is why our bought and paid for leaders either smuggle the drugs into our society http://bit.ly/2YANhrb or legalize them….because our leaders don’t work for us.

In order to rule over any people, the narcotics must flow fast and furious, in order to destroy the resistance potential in the public. Coffee is one such narcotic, more aptly caffeine. In order to maintain rule over a weakened and addicted population, you must make the slaves become obsessed with the narcotics first and foremost, as opposed to what the culture needs to do in order to maintain itself…..which is to stay clean and healthy plus produce healthy, strong and vibrant offspring who can maintain the tribe’s strength and numbers. You must make as many people as addicted as possible, so the only focus the culture has is getting high, as opposed to maintaining its sovereignty and strength. You must market the slave’s poisoning of themselves as normal and all part of the immense freedom they have down in the slave camp. There are such groups documented throughout history who do take over cultures (and destroy them) with narcotics and many other fake freedoms that weaken the herd, both physically and spiritually. The EU and North America are now about to fall to this covert group and coffee has plenty to do with this stealth attack, as do all the other health and strength destroying chemicals/narcotics that are smuggled into our society. These health destroying compounds are brought into our society purposely, in order to bring about its downfall and our subjugation to an enemy most know nothing about.

1. Caffeine is an alkaloid that the coffee plant uses to kill bugs, which eat its’ seeds. The coffee plant also uses caffeine in the coffee pods to kill surrounding plants, so the coffee plant can attain more sunlight and grow larger. Caffeine is a pesticide, which causes genetic termination in living cells that come into contact with it.

2. MRI images taken before and after 1 cup of coffee showed a decrease in blood flow to the brain by 45%. Click here to view or watch below.

3. Brain imaging studies of chronic coffee drinkers showed they presented the same degradation of their brains as chronic alcoholics, cigarette smokers, Parkinson’s patients and marijuana users. http://dailym.ai/1qjSqi0

3. Coffee can cause an urge to move ones’ bowels because this is one way the body tries to eliminate poison from the system.

4. Coffee increases energy via the human fight or flight metabolic response, because the body is afraid of the caffeine based poison. Coffee doesn’t give energy, it removes it from the body. The energy a person feels when they drink coffee is the body going into overdrive because caffeine is a poison and all poisons activate an energy release in the body. (fight or flight) Coffee removes energy from the system.

5. When the fight or flight response is triggered in the body, the lower IQ centers of the brain are activated as well as hormonal systems in control of aggression, violence, irrational and illogical decision making, jealousy, rage, anger, fear and paranoia.

6. When measured, 1 coffee activated the fight and flight response for 3 consecutive weeks, even though no other caffeine was consumed after that 1 cup of coffee. This means the most primal/low IQ centers of the brain (the limbic system) are activated for 3 weeks after consuming one cup of coffee, even if no other caffeine is consumed in that 3 week period. Making decisions through the limbic center of the brain (our caveman portion) is also proven to lead to chaotic life situations because of the low mental processing capabilities that area of the mind is famous for.

7. When coffee (caffeine) is consumed, the limbic part of the brain is hyper activated and the higher learning centers of the mind inhibited. The limbic part of the brain is only concerned with sex, reproduction, protection of territory, food acquisition and personal safety. The limbic portion of the brain is the most primitive and least developed portion of the mind complex. When you want to out smart or dominate another person, it’s best that their limbic system is activated, because it brings them to a mental state equal to that of a child.

8. The birth control pill inhibits clearing of ingested caffeine. This effect is increased dramatically by alcohol or pain killer use, therefore causing many cases of caffeine poisoning, which get treated as other things once the person reaches the hospital.

9. Coffee is proven to cause an enlarged prostate, high anxiety, insomnia, depression, birth defects, pain syndromes, unnatural breathing patterns, brain damage, hyperactivity, learning disorders (from the brain damage) behavior disorders, fatigue, certain types of cancer, Crohns, IBS, colitis, heart disease, headaches, PMS, increased incidence of muscle and tendon injury, joint pain, carpel tunnel…and that’s a short list.

10. Coffee causes fat gain and cellulite because by triggering the body’s flight or fight system (which any poison or threat does), eventually changes the body’s primary fuel source requirement to one of fat. When the body is threatened, it prefers fat as its’ primary fuel source, over sugar or protein. Constant activation of the body’s fight or flight system (via the daily ingestion of caffeine poison) aids in a metabolic shift to fat storage and fat conservation, because again the body prefers fat as a fuel source when fighting any toxic intruder….. because fat contains 9 calories per gram for the fight, as oppsed to 4 calories per gram housed by sugar and protein. Welcome to the land of coffee (caffeine) induced fat gain, weight gain and cellulite.

11. Coffee (caffeine) blocks iron absorption, causing the vast majority of anemia today. http://bit.ly/2qKSqwh The entire threat of caffeine in general includes caffeine teas, chocolates, caffeine based energy drinks, caffeine based pre work out drinks and over 2000 over the counter and prescription medications that PURPOSELY include caffeine. Medical doctors aren’t generally aware of the symptoms of caffeine poisoning and also only get paid when you’re sick, so keeping you on the coffee/caffeine train makes your return visits a guarantee.

12. Here we have an article explaining clearly why caffeine destroys human potential within the brain, leading lower life performance and achievement on all levels. This is an agenda explained below. Hot chocolate, caffeine laced energy drinks, chocolate and pop of course are gate way caffeine drugs for children…. toward their future coffee addictions as adults. When I moved to my town, there were 2 coffee shops. One in the east end, one in the west. Now there are over 20 and the population has not changed at all. There’s a reason for this. http://bit.ly/2rmyyRT

13. An investigation conducted by the author of the most extensive book on coffee ever written, reviewed almost every scientific research piece regarding coffee and his conclusion was that there’s absolutely no scientific evidence what so ever that coffee provides any health benefits to the human body, on any level, in anyway. He openly declares that any positive promotion of coffee consumption is a blatant lie, doing grave harm to our entire society. The publication of any positive effects of coffee are false and all can be traced back to a very powerful, covert and secret “coffee lobby”, which has both commercial and ruling family origins. The author reviews the research in the book at this added link. http://amzn.to/2ljosiy How many coffee shops have opened in your town in the last 20 years?

14. A new investigation of coffee shows that it increases cancer growth and spread dramatically……..click here to read more.

Click here to investigate how coffee causes weight gain, fat gain, water retention and cellulite.

Click here to read an article proving caffeine causes mental health disorders, especially being psychotic.

Caffeine proven to destroy athletic performance……click here or watch below.

So why the lying about coffee? Think of government and how governing a brain damaged population is easier than governing a healthy population. Start there and keep connecting the dots. This documentary explains more. http://bit.ly/2rweFbZ Coffee is only one brain damaging weapon used against an uninformed slave class. The 10 most popular brain damaging weapons used against the slave class (in order of use) are 1) vaccines 2) coffee and caffeine products 3) alcohol 4) medical drugs 5) sugar/wheat/cow’s milk 6) fluoride 7) cigarettes 8) processed junk foods and genetically modified foods 9) EMF radiation from wireless devices and 10) chemtrails. If you’ve ever posed the question, “why are people so stunned, as to not connect the dots or realize the depth of their own ignorance?”………………..you’re missing the point that the brain damage of the slave class is the primary agenda of the ruling 1%. Dr. Russell Blaylock expands on this point here at this added link.http://bit.ly/2bxNqUY Coffee and vaccines are the elite’s 1-2 punch within “operation brain damage” down here on the human farm.

The body can’t hydrate when coffee is in the system and that is EXTREMELY dangerous. Beyond dangerous and unhealthy…….but then again that’s why coffee is purposely placed on every corner and purposely placed as the #1 repetitive message in all film and TV Hollywood production. The people who rule you can only maintain their tyrannical control of the flock when brain function is altered in this way and health is destroyed. If you can’t think and you’re too weak to resist, you’re the optimal slave. Fat, dumb and weak. This is what all poisons do to the humans down on the human farm. Coffee is their most coveted brain damaging and health destroying chemical. Coffee is a hot cup of slavery every morning. Coffee makes the slavery feel groovy.

At this added link an article about how caffeine changes brain function, killing grey matter and destroying the hippocampus, an area of the brain you need to react to danger properly? Why would the people who rule you not want you to react properly to danger?

CLICK HERE to listen to the medical medium describe the extreme detriments of coffee and all caffeine consumption…….in shocking detail.

10 reasons to quit caffeine below…….

Coffee and caffeine products not only prime people to be overweight, sick and dumb……they destroy the part of the brain that could warn the person that they’re becoming overweight, sick and dumb. This is how science is used against the slave. The best slave is a brain damaged slave, unable to think or care for themselves without the help of slave master. A helpless population guarantees a need for government. This is why the ruling families do everything in their power to create a helpless population, day in and day out. Governments exist because they perpetually create the conditions for their own existence. Ancient ruling families, who masquerade as modern altruistic governments, are not there to help the people progress, evolve or become more. You live on a chemically controlled slave based control grid. Coffee is just another poison that helps manufacture the low IQ and permanent ill health needed to maintain this control grid. Want to shut the human farm down and put slave master out of business? Reject the poisons. Click here to view an entire book, which reviews these effects of coffee and much more.

This is how spiders did after being infused with various psychoactive substances…………

Tea is also in the category……….and it’s important to know how to get off this drug.

This man is a high functioning successful entrepreneur and he will explain why coffee destroys you, why he quit and how we quit. Don’t make it complicated. Just love yourself enough to stop poisoning yourself.

Real life testimony from one of my readers below about coffee and this is extremely typical of people who are extremely sick and don’t understand that coffee is indeed the substance (DRUG) driving them into a very early grave….

“In short for the past few years I struggled with enormous depression from which I couldn’t recover even after regular therapy sessions and reading tons of books. I got to the point in my life, where I had completely lost myself. It wasn’t because before I wasn’t growing or working on myself, it was because I was insanely ambitious since age 15 worked extremely hard and by the age of 27 lost everything.

I did craziest stuff possible in order to transform and grow mentally and financially. I had many successes, which I won’t go into, yet also the speed and obsession I had meant that I was in a way bypassing deeply rooted childhood traumas. Anyway, from age 15-27 I felt like I had lived about ten lives. And when I started really making some major career moves everything started to collapse in my life- especially my physical and mental health. I lost everything- house, my two dogs, friends and my promising career in growing one digital marketing company (I was offered to join the board after I pushed the company onto next level). It got so bad that I was almost homeless and had to move in with my mother who was still living below the poverty line in Eastern Europe.

It all almost ended up with suicide, as I was completely lost, especially because I couldn’t understand how my hard work didn’t paid off and I ended up feeling humiliated and back where I started. For past two years I had been lucky to go through a very intense, daily rehabilitation process. My girlfriend is a psychologist in a forensic male mental institution, and she is great at what she does. I basically got to the point where I had to relearn how to use my brain, where to focus my mind and on what to focus on. It has been an up and down journey, as my self esteem was crippled and I felt very useless by being so “weak” and demasculated. I suffered from very intense PTSD. If I would workout just for one day, or go for a run, I would be in bed the next day in enormous pain and having terrible flashbacks from the past.

My testosterone level was of a 80 year old man and not only did I had no energy, I was in a constant state of anxiety. I mean I won’t go into the details, but before I collapsed I experience some really serious stuff, to the point where I had to live in hiding for fear of my life. So I truly felt like a war veteran, who had seen many horrible things. I mean, the whole therapy works but it was too slow. 

So in January of this year, I took your advice of quitting coffee. Before that I would drink like 4 coffees a day (because I had almost no energy). I wouldn’t even talk to my girlfriend before I drank my first coffee. So it was a serious addiction (btw, I had no other addictions and was never using regularly any drugs and I would drink just some beer few times a year, I would also eat relatively clean- so I thought I was safe). I was terrified to quit the coffee as I thought that then I won’t have any energy left at all. But I took your advice and stopped.

To my surprise, I had cravings just for one day and on the next day I was so very excited, because I couldn’t believe what a massive change it created and how quickly I noticed the results. It was just like you said- my mental capacity increased massively. I actually had more energy through out the day and the most important thing- my anxiety disappeared.
I honestly felt like I was reborn. I started working out every day and didn’t had any crashes on the next day. And they were not some yoga workouts, but very intense ones, because I started to feel again like an alpha that I was before my crash. In other words- my testosterone levels spiked up massively, giving me more energy and a drive to push forward. 

My appetite came back. When I was drinking so much coffee I would mostly go through the day with only one meal a day. I would never eat breakfast also. Yet now I feel hungry in the mornings and I started to make myself very rich in fat, but healthy and big breakfast. Which would give me energy through out the whole day. Since then just in two months I had gamed a lot of muscle, which never happened to me before, because I could never gain weight. My mind became super clear and sharp, which helped to find my focus and navigate through the brain fog, that I had from depression. Which helped me to raise my confidence by a lot.

Anyway, I wasn’t expecting such results. I feel like I’m back on the road again and have gained a new level of self respect, which steers me away from any previous form of self sabotage (I had never loved myself and cared for myself like I do now). And it was all triggered just by not drinking coffee.

Just wanted to share it and say thank you Jason for everything you do and for your generosity in sharing your knowledge. You are one of the realest coaches I had come across as you speak from a place of true competence and it definitely leaves a tangible impact on people’s lives. You don’t hype people up, you actually make changes as you speak. Thank you


At this highlighted red link I provide a good review of why coffee makes you dumb and sick. Coffee lowers IQ and initiates almost every mental and physical disease in our modern world today.


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  1. Conor

    Jason, thanks for an interesting article. Some excellent points that I was not aware of.

    I’m certainly not here to argue with you just curious to see what your thoughts are…

    There are many so called Health Experts in this same field of healthy/primal living that advocate for drinking a morning cup of Joe – the right way. Dr. Mercola, Dr. Axe, Dave Asprey (Bulletproof), Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint), and many others advocate the use of coffee, especially a version of coffee – Bulletproof, which is basically an organic coffee with grassfed butter, and organic coconut oil or MCT oil. Obviously, some are selling products associated with it, but many are not. In fact, Mercola has been citing the health benefits of coffee since at least 2012, long before having his own products to sell related to drinking ‘bulletproof’. Also, you have referenced Mercola studies in your articles and blogs, especially as it comes to fluoride and vaccines.

    For me, that’s the only coffee I drink. Not saying it’s right/wrong, but I do notice benefits, especially mentally with this version as well as putting me into a keto state.

    Would love to hear your thoughts on this?

    • Jason Christoff

      Conor just read the book mentioned in the article. That book will clear up many of your points. Cheers

    • Karen Scribner

      Keep in mind all these coffee studies are done with run-of-the-mill conventional dehulled with chemicals coffee.

      • Jason Christoff

        Those studies are done on caffeine, not coffee.

    • Alexandra

      Wow im glad I read this. I can feel in my body the slurred brain function and general fogginess after my daily coffee fixes…. whenever I gave coffee up I felt slimmer, lighter, clearer headed…yet still drink it. Reading this in plain text helped everything fall into place- damn coffee is slowing me down!

  2. Zach

    Is this same logic and reasoning applied to all caffeinated beverages, such a organic tea, or specific to coffee?

    • Jason Christoff

      Yes……thanks Zach

  3. Timea Racz

    I don’t drink coffee or take caffeine but ordered this book and one of his other book also, the Metabolic plan..I was inspired by a documentary on autoimmune diseases ( Dr.Tom O’Brian), and also by you Jason and now I would like to be a little bit like you. I stopped ‘moderate drinking’ last year and now I study bio – individual nutrition instead. I have plans for the future to do a lunchbox project in my community for kids and workers. I’d like to show the kids how to make sourdough, fermented food, how to take care ourselves .etc.. I also like to do Chris Kresser functional medicine health coach course and the our local osteopath offered to work with them. I would like to help people to wake up for themselves and let’s get together and create a better world, reject the poison, and heal ourselves. This might be a long road as there is a lot to study about how our body works, but I’m willing to this. Right now I’m studying Boris Bolotov , so far the best explanation of the digestive system. I have a long reading on my bookshelves by now, but I’d like to ask you if you could recommend me more books to read that gives me understanding about our body, and how to help people who are ready to wake up. I have a lot to learn from you, I like your straight forward style. Thank you, Timi ( from Australia )

    • Jason Christoff

      Nicely done Tim. Become your best. The world awaits for your gift.

      • Laura

        Hey Jason! I have a friend asking if you make any commission from promoting this book? Doesn’t matter to me but thought I’d find out for her! Thanks 🙂
        Ps. Love your work!

        • Jason Christoff

          Of course not.

  4. Francine

    What are your thoughts on protocols that use coffee enemas to purge the liver of toxins. These protocols have been used successfully for decades with Gerson Therapy developed by Dr. Max Gerson. Dr. Nick Gonzalez cured many cases of incurable cancers, even pancreatic cancer using coffee enemas as a key part of the protocol. Dr. Kelly Brogan also includes it in her protocol to purge the toxins of psychiatric medications from the liver. I’ve watched hours of Dr. Gonzalez’s lectures on how coffee ingested rectally activated the parasympathetic system instead of the sympathetic system.

    I agree that drinking coffee is terribly bad for your health. I stopped after watching doctor Gonzalez’s lectures. He also explained that it activated the sympathetic system when taken orally which has a very long list of negative effects on the body.

    I’m just wondering your thoughts on coffee enemas.

    • Jason Christoff

      I do one per week.

      • Lori

        You won’t drink coffee or other beverages with caffeine, but you shove it up you butt once a week! Ya that makes a lot of sense! Maybe you should just eat a whole food plant based diet instead!

        • Jason Christoff

          Study the self hating moron who hates others, as much as they hate themselves.

    • Vanessa

      What about decaffeinated coffee or teas?

      • Jason Christoff

        Same effect………but why go for less poison? Why not just stop poisoning yourself and be your best?

  5. Jonathan Whisnant

    My great grandpa lived to be 99 and enjoyed a pot of coffee every day. That is why I enjoy a pot also.

    • Jason Christoff

      Maybe read the article again and love yourself better.

  6. Amanda Ten Eyck

    What is your opinion on drinking Black Tea? My body has never been able to handle Coffee, so I don’t drink it.
    Black tea was my morning drink choice for years.
    Tea contains caffeine as well. Does it impact the body similar to that of coffee described above?
    I actually stopped drinking tea about a month and half ago. I felt pretty bad and sluggish for at least 4 weeks.
    I actually feel OK, don’t necessarily need to go back to it, I am just inquiring as to the benefits of abstaining.

    • Jason Christoff

      I would read the book Caffeine Blues for your answer Amanda. It’s not good for most people.

  7. Jeremy Garrett

    I think it’s important to consider that almost all foods have natural pest inhibitors like lectins. And while humans have found ways to lower them historically, making sure things like tomatoes are sun-ripened, sprouting, sourdough, etc, humans still get low levels of these and have for a long time. In that light, I wonder if a cup of say green tea is still more beneficial than harmful?

    • Jason Christoff

      After reading Caffeine Blues, I would say all caffeine is extremely harmful and our UK based overlords have always known this.

  8. Dana Joe

    Since coming off all pharmaceuticals in my journey through awakening to so many things Kratom was suggested and I know it is a part of the coffee family although I don’t believe it contains caffeine. What is your take on that?

  9. mark

    Works cited would lend more credence.

    • Jason Christoff

      Read the book cited. It’s a whole book.

  10. Jay Vivo

    Interesting side bar in the comments re. coffee enemas and the Gerson protocol.

    Question, can you direct one to some information on coffee enemas, the type of coffee, the dosage, and the procedure.

    Thank you.

    • Janet

      Jay, join The Natural Health Library on Facebook – they have a document that explains everything you need to know about coffee enemas.

  11. Tudor Capitanu

    I have more than a month without caffeine, doing gym and all kinds of stuff, eating just clean food. But actualy i have much more energy in gym and more enthuziasm, and im feeling energic from the first second when im opening my eyes and im sleeping like a rock. Thanks for the advices Jason.

    Have a look in Wim Hof method, free to try,the man is a legend, its about how we can control our body throu brething exercises, cold showers and meditating.

  12. Janet L Hunt


    I gave up alcohol and caffeine 2 months ago. I am following a LCHF diet and taking additional supplement to improve my immune system and gut health. Do you know how long it may take my body to recover? I drank 1-2 cups of coffee per day and same with alcohol.


  13. Jeffrey Maupin

    Readers may be interested in learning how to increase energy without stimulants like caffeine. Julia Ross in her book Mood Cure describes how certain amino acids have stimulating properties, and others calming. Amino acids l-tyrosine and l-carnitine have stimulating effects. Iodine, methyl cobalamin (b12), and ubiquinol can increase energy levels. Our bodies make thyroid hormone from iodine and l-tyrosine. Magnesium and b-vitamins play vital roles in energy production. Learning about sources of toxins, avoiding toxins, detoxifying, and supplying the correct amount of all the nutrients can help us feel well, and minimize our urge to reach for stimulants or seek pharmaceutical products. I really appreciate this website, and based on this valuable information here I am going to stop using caffeine for a month.